Invited Workshop:
Workshop sobre Aspectos da Interação Humano-Computador para a Web Social (WAIHCWS’17)
Cristiano Maciel (Instituto de Computação, UFMT), José Viterbo Filho (Instituto de Computação, UFF), Rodrigo Santos (Departamento de Informática Aplicada, UNIRIO)
Accepted Workshop:
Workshop Culturas, Alteridades e Participações em IHC: Navegando ondas em movimento – CAPAihc2017
Ana María Rivera Fellner (UTFPR), Claudia Bordin Rodrigues (UTFPR), Frederick M.C. van Amstel (PUCPR), Gustavo Kira (UTFPR e IFPR), Leander de Oliveira (UTFPR), Letícia Rodrigues (UTFPR), Patricia da Silva Leite (UTFPR), Rodrigo Freese Gonzatto (PUCPR)
Call for Paper:
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computer Systems (IHC 2017). The purpose of workshops is to provide a forum for exchanging opinions, presenting ideas, and discussing preliminary results in an interactive atmosphere.
Proposals should include
- Workshop name and a 150 to 200 word abstract describing the workshop, according to the Topics of interest presented on the Symposium Web site;
- A short summary of the topic, scope and significance of the workshop including a discussion on the relevance to IHC 2017 topics (please, include information about previous sessions of the workshop, if any);
- Information about the procedure for selecting papers/participants, plans for dissemination (for example, special issues of journals, or position statements distributed to the participants), the expected number of participants, and the planned workshop format;
- A brief CV of each of the organizers, including contact addresses and an identification of a single primary contact;
- A proposal for the workshop submission, acceptance notification and camera-ready deadlines.
Please, pay attention to the deadline for Workshop acceptance notification (see below). Therefore, the deadlines for the submission of articles should be after this date and the notification of acceptance of articles for the workshop should be sent at least one week before the registration date (first date with discount), to be defined by the Symposium Committee.
All the proposals will be judged on their merits. Relevant topics, results disseminations, and support from a team in line with the topic will be considered. Success on previous events (in terms of attendance, number of submissions, etc.) will be taken into account in our deliberations, however the acceptance is not automatic.
IHC 2017 organization will provide:
- Page hosted (or link) on IHC 2017 Web site;
- Management of registration for participants;
- Setup of meeting space and related equipment;
- Coffee breaks.
The responsibility of organizing and executing the workshop belong to the proponents. The workshop organization must take care of:
- Coordinating deadlines and acceptance notifications for workshop papers with the IHC 2017 Workshop Chairs;
- Workshop publicity, call for papers, submission and review process, and any contact with the authors;
- Providing a brief description of the workshop for inclusion on the IHC 2017 Web page;
- Scheduling workshop activities in collaboration with the IHC 2017 local organizers.
Authors must post their submissions via JEMS system, in PDF format, following the ACM SIGCHI papers. If you have questions regarding the IHC 2017 Workshops, please, feel free to send us an email.
Important Dates
Deadline: 24/April//2017
Notification: 15/May/2017
Camera Ready: 05/June/2017
Workshop: 23/October/2017
Laura Sánchez Garcia (UFPR) –
Marilia Abrahão Amaral (UTFPR) –