9 de March de 2017


25/10/2017 – 14:00 – 16:00: Work Presentation
Ensino de IHC para Aluno Cego e Adaptações Curriculares: Estudo de Caso – Luciano Pansanato, UTFPR
Acessibilidade Digital no Ensino de IHC – Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira, UNIRIO e Carolina Sacramento, UNIRIO / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

Classroom Practices
Promovendo o engajamento e aprendizado colaborativo de modelagem de interação por meio de Modeling Dojo – Anna Marques, UFAM
Práticas da Indústria Aplicadas em Sala de Aula Para Apoiar o Ensino de Modelagem de Interação – Adriana Lopes Damian; Anna Marques; Natasha Valentim (Universidade Federal do Amazonas) e Tayana Conte, UFAM
Trabalhando a diversidade e a inclusão social na disciplina de projeto integrado – Ingrid Monteiro e Andréia Libório, UFC – Campus Quixadá

Curriculum, Teaching and Extension
Currículo vivo e outros currículos: Reflexões para uma educação viva e aberta em Design de Interação – Claudia Silva; Marilia Amaral; e Luiz Merkle, UTFPR
Acessibilidade e Inclusão Digital: Articulando ensino e extensão – Patrícia Leite e Leonelo Almeida, UTFPR
IHC na Universidade: Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão – Marcelle Mota, UFPA
25/10/2017 – 16:30 – 17:00: Work Presentation
Experiences Report
Interação Humano-Computador na escola: um relato da experiência com alunas do ensino médio mineiro – Erica Oliveira, Centro Universitário Uma; Luci A. Nicolau, UFMG; Raquel Prates, UFMG; e Elaine Muniz Barbosa, UFMG
Inclusão e Empoderamento através da Educação em IHC: um relato sobre a experiência de participação na Competição de Design – Elton Silva, UFOP
25/10/2017 – 17:00 – 18:00: Round Table – A presença das mulheres no Ensino de IHC: experiências e perspectivas
Ingrid Teixeira Monteiro, UFC – Campus Quixadá
Sílvia Amélia Bim, UTFPR
Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa, PUC-Rio

The Workshop on HCI Education (WEIHC), which will be held during the IHC 2017, is the main Brazilian forum where HCI teachers and researchers, and others interested in the theme, have a space for discussions that support the advancement of this area in Brazil.

In 2017, the WEIHC theme will be dedicated to the discussion of “The education in HCI and its role for promoting inclusion and diversity”. The workshop will be held in two parts:

  1. Paper presentation: Aiming at promoting the sharing of experiences and ideas, the submission of papers addressing experiences in academia and industries about the role of HCI Education for promoting inclusion and diversity are encouraged. Inclusion and diversity may be discussed focusing on accessibility, culture or gender issues, among others.
  2. Panel: Besides the presentation of papers, the workshop will also promote a discussion on gender inclusion, focusing on the role of HCI in motivating girls and women towards computer technology. Researchers in HCI will be invited by the committee to discuss the theme.



Submissions may be written either in English or in Portuguese, and must follow the ACM SIGCHI papers template (2015). Authors should submit a PDF version of their paper through the oldest JEMS system. WEIHC submissions must be anonymized and contain 4 up to 6 pages (including figures, tables, diagrams, references and annexes).


Review process

Each submission will be reviewed by at least three researchers in HCI. Papers will be selected for publication and presentation based on the quality of work, the relevance of the experience, and the potential of the work to motivating constructive discussions during the workshop. It is expected the paper to provide arguments about the relevance and implications of its findings to the HCI education (preferentially supported by data collected in learning interventions).



At least one of the authors of accepted papers must register to IHC 2017 and present the paper in the session to have it published in the conference proceedings.


Important Dates

Submission deadline: July 03, 2017   July 17, 2017 
Results: August 04, 2017  August 18, 2017 
Camera Ready: August 25, 2017  September 01, 2017  



Carla Faria Leitão (PUC-Rio) – cfaria@inf.puc-rio.br
Luciana Cardoso De Castro Salgado (UFF) – luciana@ic.uff.br

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