Title | Authors (Affiliation) |
Usability, Accessibility and Affectibility in CPqD | Fabiani de Souza (Fundação Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Telecomunicações – CPqD – Brazil), Claudinei Martins (CPqD – Brazil), Suelen Silva (Fundação Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Telecomunicações – Brazil) |
Bottester: Testing Conversational Systems with Simulated Users | Heloisa Candello (IBM Research – Brazil), Marisa Vasconcelos (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – Brazil), Claudio Pinhanez (IBM Research – Brazil – Brazil), Thiago dos Santos (IBM; Universidade Federal do ABC – Brazil) |
Evaluating the conversation flow and content quality of a multi-bot conversational system | Heloisa Candello (IBM Research – Brazil), Marisa Vasconcelos (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – Brazil), Claudio Pinhanez (IBM Research – Brazil – Brazil) |
Problemas de Usabilidade de Pessoas com Tetraplegia em Plataforma EaD | Maikon Soares (Ceará State University – Brazil), Francisco Oliveira (University of Fortaleza – Brazil) |
A Comparative Study of Technology-Mediated Learning Strategies for Teaching People with Intellectual Disability | Rodrigo Laiola Guimarães (Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) – Brazil), Andrea Britto Mattos Lima (IBM Research – Brazil), Carlos Cardonha (IBM Research – Brazil – Brazil) |
Testeira Digital: Dispositivo Vestível para Navegação Eficazdas Pessoas com Tetraplegia em Plataformas de Ensino à Distância e Desktops | Felipe Bedê (Unifor – Brazil), Francisco Oliveira (University of Fortaleza – Brazil) |
This track is directed to all professionals aiming at presenting experiences with the design of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) involving technical, business, and management aspects and the main challenges related to the use of UX methods and techniques in the development of products and services.
It is an interesting opportunity not only for companies to present their point of view, but specially to share experiences among people that use HCI in practice. Submissions may report either work-in-progress or concluded works.
Topics of Interest
Any theme relevant to the practice of HCI is expected in this track, including but not limited to:
- User Centered Design into the development of products and services;
- Usability, User Experience (UX), Design Thinking;
- HCI and agile methods: Agile UX, Lean UX;
- Quality and management of User Centered Design: ROI, Quality assessment of products and processes;
- Organizational aspects of User Centered Design: multidisciplinary teams, collaboration among different departments (marketing, IT, design, customer support, etc.);
- Internal and external UX teams management;
- Tools and equipments for prototyping;
- Co-located and remote evaluation;
- HCI in international, multi-site projects;
- HCI, assistive technologies, accessibility and inclusion;
- HCI for Mobile Devices;
- Big Data and HCI;
- HCI for social and economic development;
- HCI and the Internet of Things (IoT);
- HCI in public administration;
- Affective Computing;
- Sentiment Analysis.
Submissions can be written in either Portuguese or English by practitioners and professionals that work in the field of HCI. They should report real world cases and experiences relevant to the HCI area, whether they have been successful or not.
Two-steps submission procedure
Step 1: Submit a link to a video up to 5 minutes length (shared via Youtube) or an abstract with no more than 2 pages, following the ACM SIGCHI papers (2015) template. The submissions must contain:
- Title, authors’ names, company name;
- Description of the problem;
- Solution/approach adopted;
- Results;
- Conclusion.
Step 2: The authors of accepted works must submit a document considering the reviewers’ suggestions and comments. The document must be in PDF format and must follow the ACM SIGCHI template. For accepted video submissions, the submission of the final version of the abstract is also mandatory.
The accepted submissions will be presented during the symposium orally via poster or demo and the abstracts will be published in the extended conference proceedings.
The 3 best works of this track will be selected to be published in the short paper format. In this case, the final version is expected to have 4 pages. The short papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
Authors should make their submissions electronically via the JEMS System.
Authors are responsible for the content of the submission and for getting the approval from the company to submit the proposal and publish the paper.
Reviewing Process
Submissions will be evaluated by a team of professionals from the industry and the academia, and assessed based on the relevance of the theme and the contributions to both business and academic communities.
References to products and companies are allowed in the submissions, but should not present them only for marketing purposes. The main goal of the submission should be the presentation of a case based on HCI techniques or methods in a real world problem.
At least one of the authors of accepted submissions must register to IHC 2017 to present the work at the conference. Only presented works will be included in the conference proceedings.
The authors of accepted submissions may present their work as a poster or a demo. Detailed information about the modality of the presentations will be sent later to the authors of accepted submissions.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: July 24, 2017 July 03, 2017
Notification of acceptance: August 11, 2017 August 4, 2017
Camera-ready version: September 01, 2017 August 25, 2017
Vagner Figueredo de Santana (IBM Research) – vagsant@br.ibm.com
Leonelo Dell Anhol Almeida (UTFPR) – leoneloalmeida@utfpr.edu.br